Top 3 Ways AI Will Transform 5G and Wireless
- Articles
- March 24, 2022
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are radically new technologies that are transforming how software is made and what it can do. Consumer applications of AI have unlocked the world’s information with better search engines, created personal virtual assistants that make life easier, and enhanced the driving experience with route options that avoid traffic.
But behind the scenes, AI is also transforming critical infrastructure. 5G and wireless communications are one of the latest beneficiaries with industry bodies such as 3GPP now formally inviting AI development that will enhance next-generation networks. While the impacts will be numerous, here are 3 ways that AI will transform next-generation wireless.

More Throughput for More Users
Wireless networks operate on wireless spectrum. Spectrum is a scarce and government regulated resource and wireless companies pay billions of dollars to gain dedicated rights. Today, the vast majority of allocations are assigned statically with a fixed structured approach to communications. Training AI to monitor usage patterns and spectrum allocations will allow better access to the users and applications that need the spectrum. Better access will ensure that scarce spectrum resources are fully utilized, resulting in more throughput for more users.
More Resilient Networks
While spectrum is dedicated, interference can occur both unintentionally, from worn-out base station equipment for example, or intentionally, often referred to as jamming. Training AI to recognize these types of interference allows quality of service issues to be detected and resolved immediately. Being able to observe and in the future, predict sources of interference, will enable proactive mitigation and enhanced resiliency.
Secure Communications
Beyond personal banking from a mobile phone, wireless is increasingly used for sensing, operation, and control of critical infrastructure that might include home security systems, traffic control systems, and industrial IOT (internet of things) to name a few. Training AI to recognize patterns of waveforms, unapproved data sources, or nefarious actors can increase security and aid in the protection of critical infrastructure.

At Qoherent we are building the tools necessary for engineers to train and deploy AI for applications including these examples and more. The algorithms these engineers produce will enable higher data rates, create more resilient networks, and increase communications security. To learn more about what we are doing to bring AI to wireless, you can contact us here .
Click below to request participation in the Qoherent Radio Intelligence Apps (RIA) Early Access Program. Using the compressive set of tools within RIA, you can create datasets of recorded and synthesized baseband signals, build robust machine learning models, and test them for deployment readiness.
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